Thursday, December 03, 2009


NASCAR 2009 was the subject of Wednesday night's The Race Reporters on Power Up Channel. Thanks to Dave Rodman, Kenny Bruce and Larry Henry for a thoughtful conversation.

Use this link to listen to the entire show:

Given today's headlines, here's an oldie-but-goodie -- a bit of enterprise reporting I did for the Arizona Republic in April 2008. Would Tiger Woods have been a successful race driver? His caddie, Steve Williams, told me "yes" in an exclusive one-on-one interview:

What a Joke: The so-called sports marketing and crisis communications "experts" on talk radio and cable TV who said Woods endorses Buick. I guess they haven't had time to read a biz section or website in the last year! Proves -- again -- just how much a lot of these "experts" really know. (!)

Upcoming The Race Reporters guests:
(Show is live Wednesdays at 7 p.m. ET, downloadable, and available on-demand at no cost. Click on TRR page logo in upper right-hand column.)

December 9 -- Season-In-Review, Part 1. Panelists: Holly Cain, Gordon Kirby, Jeff Burk.

December 16 -- Season-In-Review, Part 2. Panelists: Jon Asher, John Oreovicz, Bob Margolis.

[ more from the Sprint Cup awards in Las Vegas . . . ]