The day passed. That evening, I sent an E-mail: "Need to see you tomorrow." This is the actual, for real, reply I received:
"Call my cell. I don’t visit the media center much."
A publicity person who doesn't come to where the journalists are located. (!)
Welcome to what passes for contemporary public and media relations.
This is my final blog of the year. I'm sorry to conclude on a negative note. But this is one of the most serious issues within the motorsports industry and, I hope, one that will draw careful consideration by series executives, team owners and sponsor managers in 2008.
I covered last month's Phoenix International Raceway NASCAR weekend for the Arizona Republic. The listed PR reps for the top 18 (18!) drivers in the Nextel Cup standings went the weekend without interaction with writers for the state's largest newspaper. The listed contact for the Busch Series champion didn't respond to requests for assistance for a special section story.
How is that acceptable to those who make the hires and sign the checks?
Would at least one of you, please, write me with the answer to that question?
I've made this serious suggestion to NASCAR: As a test, post a sign-in sheet for PR reps in some press room early next season. The evidence, as I know it, is not much paper or ink will be required.

Jack Duffy, who as Hurst' PR VP was Linda Vaughn's boss, was an early influence on my career. Jack, who died earlier this year, used to personally invite me and other journalists to Hurst receptions. He'd say, "Please come." When we'd arrive, Jack would shake hands and say, "Thanks for coming." When we'd leave, Jack would again shake hands and say, "Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate it."
Whatever happened to that personal touch? To common courtesy? To professionalism?
The executive management of EVERY sanctioning organization should be concerned. No matter how large their own staff, or sizeable their budget, the individual team/sponsor reps will ALWAYS be the front-line soldiers for all series. Those who say, "There's nothing we can do," well, the NFL requires its teams to follow certain standards . . . why is it motorsports can't do the same?
While you're at it, please mandate some Journalism 101 courses. There's no excuse -- none -- for the "we're excited about/looking forward to" non-news "news" releases. A recent example: The open-wheel team whose announcement revealed the organization "is both flattered and excited to have" two new drivers.
Here's how that was handled on my keyboard: Ctrl/Alt/Delete.
How sad this person doesn't understand press releases are written for the PRESS, not for ego stroking of the owner. And, even more sadly, she's not alone.
Things MUST improve in 2008. No matter what it takes.
When will they ever learn?
A news release last week informed us that Hermie Sadler is now a professional wrestling broadcaster. TNA Wrestling, on Spike TV, "delivers a distinct brand of high-risk, athletic entertainment." At least, that's what they want us to believe.
Sadler, who retired as a NASCAR driver in 2006, is a SPEED analyst. Even so, I guess Hermie forgot about the Tony Stewart-yellow flag controversy of some months ago, in which Stewart questioned the validity of debris cautions. That brought the very legitimacy of NASCAR into question and drew comparisons to -- yes -- pro wrestling. Sadler allowed himself to be quoted thusly:
“Commentating for professional wrestling is, in a lot of ways, quite similar to commentating on NASCAR.”
Great, Hermie, thank you. That's just what NASCAR needed. I, for one, will consider whatever you say about NASCAR in the future in that context.
Here's some free PR advice: Use an overnight service to send your letter of apology to Brian France. Copy Mike Helton and Jim Hunter. And, what say you, SPEED management? I'll say this again: That network needs to follow ESPN's example and retain an independent viewer ombudsman.
Thank you to those who have contacted me about my Arizona Republic work. The feedback I've received from editors, readers, and those within the industry is we've made a least a little progress toward the goal of re-energizing enthusiasm for motorsports coverage in this state. The current plan is I will write Friday notebooks for Dec. 14 and 21, pause for two weeks, and then resume. There's a link in the right-hand column for the Republic's website, Here are links to two stories from last week:
It's been a very difficult year. One forever marked by the passing of icons Bill France Jr., Wally Parks, Benny Parsons and Shav Glick. Personally, I've lost several other friends as well, like Jack Duffy, Nick Fornoro and Pat Mittman. John Force Racing endured the unendurable, with Eric Medlen's fatal accident, and John's own serious injuries.
So, let's end with some happy news, regarding my friends Bob Margolis and Bob Carlson. It was tremendous for me to speak with Margolis, of Yahoo Sports, last week. He sounded strong and positive after his latest and difficult cancer treatments. Bob's outlook going into the New Year is much improved and he's hoping to cover Daytona. Carlson, the longtime Porsche PR pro, was able to return to his Atlanta-area home last week after cancer surgery and serious post-surgical complications. God Bless.
[ more Tuesday, January 8, 2008 . . . ]